Iowa launches a community vitality center

Thursday, September 19, 2002

Now here's a new idea. Iowa State University Extension and 20 leaders from across the state have launched a new statewide initiative called the Community Vitality Center. The Center is partially funded with a $268,600 grant from the federal government. The Board of the Center hopes that the organization will become a catalyst for innovative initiatives to build community vitality across the state.

This sounds a little flaky until you dig deeper. Their first project is "Enhancing Entrepreneurship to Improve Iowa's Community Vitality". That's an important topic, and they are drilling into the tough issues by examining examine different approaches that communities may take in supporting and assisting entrepreneurs and start-up businesses. They won't stop there. Next, they'll select three communities and work with them to implement a development program to encourage entrepreneurship. Finally, they'll take the perspective of entrepreneurs and see if they can build more supportive networks.

And that's only one topic. There are two others: "Integrating Rural Iowa into Iowa's Industry Cluster Strategy for Economic Development" and a project to identify best practices among fast growing, non-metro regions. This all sounds promising. Some practical people are driving the bus. Learn more. Go

posted by Ed Morrison |

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