Iowa's strategy to build entrepreneurship

Thursday, September 26, 2002

Iowa's new entrepreneurial strategy is getting off the ground. Spurred by the passage of four pieces of legislation to encourage venture capital formation, the strategy is designed to send "a strong message that we are a state that encourages entrepreneurial minds to be a part of our future," according to the governor.

One particularly impressive feature about Iowa's approach is connecting a potential source of venture capiutal (insurance companies) with a delivery system (the Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Centers that are connected with state schools in Ames, Cedar Falls, Iowa City and Mason City). The problem in Iowa -- as in most states -- occurs even before entrepreneurs get to the level of formal venture capital investment. By that stage, business development is already fairly far along the track: a basic management team with a legal structure and accounting controls is in place, the prototype business model has been tested.

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posted by Ed Morrison |

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