School-based enterprises

Wednesday, September 18, 2002

Every year, thousands of high school students participate in school-based enterprises (SBEs). They build houses, publish books, run restaurants, produce original scientific research, staff child-care centers, and provide other goods and services under school sponsorship. EDPros should be promoting SBEs in our communities.

Like teaching hospitals attached to medical schools, SBEs provide practical, project-based skills. Lee County in Northeast Mississippi has just established an SBE. It takes a commmitted faculty to start. Corporations are willing to support SBEs with donations. Read more. Go

Schools are using SBEs to provide valuable school-to-career training. A high school in Portland, OR has an SBE that produces multi-media kiosks. A high school in Minnesota has a school-run lumberyard and a grocery store. Learn more. Go

There is an SBE web site. Go An excellent book on SBEs is also available. Go

Download a manual for starting SBEs that you can hand off to others in your community. Go

posted by Ed Morrison |

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