Austin moving to develop ED plan

Sunday, October 06, 2002

The economic slump has hit Austin hard, and the City is moving to become more aggressive in economic development. Two members of the City Council are teaming withthe chamber and a local consulting firm to produce an economic development "white paper" by the end of the year.

The plan will likely address the city's ailing semiconductor sector (employment dow 7% since last year), as well as emerging sectors the region wants to develop: biotech, film and multimedia.

This project will be a good one to watch. More than most regions, Austin has its act together when it comes to workforce development. At the same time, early talk is focusing on traditional incentives as well -- tax abatements and ultility discounts. How will these be balanced and coordinated between outside prospects and expanding, Austin-based firms? Will Austin make the same mistake so many other regions have made by not supporting local, growth-oriented companies?

Compare Memphis to Austin. Memphis is focusing its efforts on a "talent magnet" strategy. It's problem: how can we attract a lot of smart people? Austin already has a lot of talent, so how will its economic development strategy evolve from the basic approach developed by the Chamber in the mid-1980's? More important, what role will the development of entrepreneurial networks play in the new strategy? The key to building a resilient economy is creating dense networks of innovation. It will be interesting to see whether this new "white paper" moves in this direction.

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posted by Ed Morrison |

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