Building a regional innovation infrastructure

Sunday, October 20, 2002

Whatever you call it -- the New Economy, the Information Economy, the Knowledge Economy -- innovation and entrepreneurship are the key to economic growth. Brainpower requires networtks to build businesses, and communities that understand this fact will prosper over communites caught in the old ways of doing things.

Take the case of Fort Wayne, Indiana. EDPros who want to start building an innovation infrastructure in their communities should look at the Innovation Cener of Northeast Indiana. Here you will find the kind of web-based connections that provide a start to building this infrastructure. The Center has an impressive list of sponsors, and they can give you an insight into the type of companies that might support a similar effort in your community.

One weakness: the home page features a presentation completed in February, 2001. (The news section of the site, however, is up-to-date.) Another element that needs work, it seems, is interactivity. The IC has no e-mail newsletter and no strong community features to its web site. Nonetheless, it is a promising start. In particular, both the organization and the design of the site are good models to follow. Review the site. Go

posted by Ed Morrison |

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