Innovation Philadelphia

Tuesday, October 08, 2002

Innovation Philadelphia (IP) released its innovation benchmarking yesterday. The release of the Index coincided with the announcement of a $447,000 grant from US EDA to fund a series of studies that IP hopes will lead to a coordinated technology based, cluster driven, economic development strategy for the Greater Philadelphia Region.

The focus of this research is impressive. It drills down to the level of detail needed to build clusters. Among the issues to be explored: innovation diagnostics, the research base for nanotechnology and life sciences, workforce development systems to support these clusters, university and industry technology consortia, angel investment, and knowledge partnerships for student engagement and retention.

IP is a new public/private partnership with the following mission: "to enhance the global innovation economy of Philadelphia by increasing the research investment in strategic technologies from federal, state, private and industrial resources".

The Innovation Index is another way to raise the visibility of innovation and entrepreneurship in a local economy. Massachusetts started compiling an innovation index some years ago, and the trend is catching on. Download a copy. Go

posted by Ed Morrison |

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