Results of the Wisconsin ED Summit

Saturday, October 19, 2002

The Wisconsin summit ended with some strong agreement on the future direction of the state's economy. Points of agreement include:

The state's universities, colleges and technical colleges must be major players in making Wisconsin a winner in a knowledge-based economy. The summits have pulled them into active collaboration with other builders of the economy. It wasn't always this way, and there can be no retreat to the ivy tower.

Workers who are often forced to change jobs and even careers in a dynamic economy must be able to move in and out of the education system in a user-friendly way. That seamless education is increasingly available as educators smooth out the kinks in their delivery.

Economic development must concentrate on the drivers, the knowledge-based industrial clusters. Great clarity has been added to the development game with this more intelligent approach. It's choose or lose. The first cluster organizations are taking shape.

Angel and venture investing must be souped up, and great strides are being made. Wisconsin should be E-land as well as Dairyland. "E" for Entrepreneur. Not by accident, but with a lot of strategy execution, spinoffs from universities, colleges and large companies are accelerating. We're getting better and better at technology transfer.

New energy generation and transmission must be built in the near future. For the first time in decades, power projects are advancing.

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posted by Ed Morrison |

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