Rochester is starting to get its act together

Wednesday, October 16, 2002

One of the keys to success in economic development, I've learned, is to stop doing stupid things. Public officials in Rochester seem to have gotten the message. It makes no sense to expect business people to find their way through a maize of public agencies when they want to expand or relocate. No one has the time.

Public officals are beginnning to coordinate the efforts of 20 different publc agencies involved in economic development. Public ED organizations in Rochester are coming together to form Monroe County Development Corporation (MCDC) with representatives from 20 different agencies. The goal is to simplify life for expanding companies and site selectors. EDPros facing similar local fragmentation can use Rochester as an example of what to do.

Rochester also has Greater Rochester Enterprise, a privately-led marketing group. The keys to success will lie in 1) how well MCDC comes together and 2) the type of relationship MCDC can forge with GRE. Read more. Go

posted by Ed Morrison |

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