Crafting a brand for Pittsburgh

Monday, November 04, 2002

Branding has always been around. But only in the last twenty years has branding become the dominant concept in marketing. And it's only been in the last five years that EDPros have seriously moved to reshape their regions around a brand.

Branding matters a lot, and I've seen what it can do. I was involved in the successful branding initiative in Oklahoma City with the "better living, better life" campaign. This initiative has turned around perceptions of Oklahoma City, both inside and out.

Perhaps no region faces a more complex and tricky branding challenge than Pittsburgh. An excellent article in the local paper outlines the pressures. Our good friend, Ronnie Bryant, head of the Pittsburgh Regional Alliance, is walking a tight rope. If you are interested in marketing, spend a few minutes and read more. Go

posted by Ed Morrison |

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