Early childhood education as an economic development issue

Monday, November 25, 2002

An additional indicator trhat early childhood education is emerging as an economic development issue: an article in Business Week, released a couple of days ago, "Best Investment: America's Kids. Go

One notable quote for EDPros: "Economic studies suggest that the return on investment in early-childhood development is a huge 14% to 15%, after adjusting for inflation." Unfortuantely, as many as 40% of youngsters are entering kindergarten unprepared.

EDPros interested in getting a jump on this issue should start with the National Institute for Early Education, www.nieer.org. The site provides excellent state profiles to start. Also review the links page to find a place to strengthen the early childhood network in your community.

Finally, download a national poll on early childhood education to understand the issue more clearly. Go. The poll indicates that if you head in this direction, you are likely to find a lot of support in your community.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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