Former Intel Exec: Oregon is a train wreck waiting to happen

Tuesday, November 26, 2002

Richard Florida, a professor at Carnegie Mellon University, points out that in today's economy, you need to build great places to live for the "creative class".

Oregon is definitely a great place to live.

But a former Intel executive says that Oregon is also a train wreck waiting to happen. The state has gone overboard protecting the environment and not paying attention to what it takes to build businesses. The education system is running out of money, the public pension system is a mess, and land use policies have choke business expansions. Read more. Go

All of this has led business executives in Oregon to launch the Oregon Business Plan. It is an effort to shape a vision for the state that combines innovation and quality places. On Decvember 9, the state is holding a leadership summit to discuss the Oregon Business Plan findings and its recommendations.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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