Tennessee revamps its state chamber

Wednesday, November 13, 2002

Tennessee Association of Business is now the Tennessee Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Based in Nashville, the Tennessee Chamber hopes to coordinate with local chambers and focus on statewide issues of competitiveness. Learn more. Go

This step is no slam dunk. State chambers are facing increasing difficulties with flat or declining memberships. Increased competition and a relatively weak value proposition hurt growth prospects. State chambers often represent a business executive's "third choice" behind the local chamber and an industry association.

Tennesse will be missing an opportunity if the new chamber builds its business model on a traditional membership package and a standard menu of "business climate" issues. While these legislative matters are important, they are no longer a sufficiently aggressive focus for a state chamber.

Tennessee business leaders ought to keep their eye on nearby Kentucky. In the next month or so, the Kentucky Chamber -- in all likelihood -- will be moving in more entrepreneurial direction. The Kentucky Chamber is focusing on how to use the Internet to build stronger business communities. Building Internet-based dialogues within the business community offers the promise of far stronger, more flexible, more focused business connections...and more promising business models for state chambers.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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