Trouble brewing...US lags in graduation rate

Friday, November 15, 2002

Most EDPros don't know much about graduation rates...the percentage of young people who graduate from high school. It's not surprise, we never had to know this stuff.

No longer. In a global economy that runs on brainpower, graduation rates matter. Companies will grow where they can get a steady supply of brainpower.

And dropouts cost a community in terms of lost opportunity. For every high school drop out, your economy is losing about $200,000 in potential income. Not surprisingly, the income prospects for high school drop outs has been deteriorating steadily in recent years.

Graduation rates are alarmingly low. In the three counties around Charleston, SC, for example, the graduation rate is only about 60%. That means only 6 of 10 9th graders each years will finish high school.

No comes news that the US lags in graduation rates. In international comparisons, the US is only average. Nationwide, our graduate rate is only 74%. Learn more. Go

posted by Ed Morrison |

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