Durham Tech provides a model for customized training

Friday, January 03, 2003

Increasingly, economic development decisions will be driven by who can provide customized, "just-in-time" training to employers. That's why Durham Tech is a good model for EDPros to know about.

North Carolina has a strong technical education system, and Durham Tech has developed a niche in high tech training. They've developed a strong reputation for working with company officials to design a customized training program that meets the company~{!/~}s needs and the needs of employees.

Take the case of AW, a Japanese automatic transmission manufacturer and Toyota supplier. When AW committed to coming to Durham County in 1998, Durham Tech and N.C. Community College system officials traveled to Japan to learn the company~{!/~}s training requirements. The company now leases space at Durham Tech's campus. Instead of paying rent, the company makes a $15,000 annual contribution to the college foundation. Read more. Go

posted by Ed Morrison |

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