EDA: And the winner is...

Saturday, January 25, 2003

The spring awards season has begun, and the Economic Development Administration will not be left out. They want to recognize economic development innovation.

Here's a suggestion: Why don't they hold also hold a contest to redesign the EDA web site? It's got the look and feel of Ms. Jones' 4th grade geography class.

Even more interesting, they have no interactive way for EDPros to make nominations. Worse yet, the only way you can learn about the award program is to sit there and download a 4.5 MB brochure. Even with high speed Internet connections this takes a while. Who has the time?

As a service to the EDPro community, I have reduced the size of the EDA brochure to a little over 1 MB. You can download it here. Go

We can compress it even more by zipping the file, but this is good enough.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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