Indiana's plan stumbles at the starting gate

Monday, January 20, 2003

Governor Frank O'Bannon's efforts to refocus Inidiana's economic strategy is off to a shaky start. With Energize Indiana, the governor proposes to invest in a 10-year, $1.25 billion initiative to jump-start Indiana's ailing economy through investments in economic development, education and work-force development.

The most controversial component of his plan is to issue bonds, secured by tobacco settlement funds. O'Bannon has proposed leveraging future tobacco money to pay for much of Energize Indiana. The public debate is already muddled, but it shouldn't be.

The issue of "pay me now, or pay me later" turns on two questions: What is the present value of future cash streams from tobacco? Second, what is the return on investment from investing the money now?

My conclusion after looking at these two questions: O'Bannon's proposal makes sense.

But don't count on see it any time soon. The House Speaker has already divided the package up into 15 different bills that will be heard in seven committees. The Ways and Means Committee is supposed to reassemble the pieces.

And O'Bannon has failed to market his ideas effectively...starting with his "brand": "Energize Indiana".

posted by Ed Morrison |

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