Iowa launches Community Vitality Center

Thursday, January 23, 2003

Here's another innovation out of Iowa, a Community Vitality Center. Funded by the Department of Agriculture and housed at Iowas State University, the Center will undertake a number of initiatives to stimulate business development. The Board of Regents approved the Center this week. Center staff and ISU students will work with leaders in small and medium-size towns to establish networks that improve Iowa's competitiveness for attracting business and residents.

The Center, proposed by ISU Extension and Positively Iowa, a non-profit group, is already underway. The Center's governing Board has approved five projects. The first three projects are related to the theme of Community Vitality and Entrepreneurship.

The first project involves a series public deliberation forums called Community Conversations that were held at 10 regional sites across the state last fall. Local citizens and leaders who participated in these meetings are examining 3 different approaches that communities may take in supporting and assisting entrepreneurs and startup businesses.

Learn more from a recent article. Go

posted by Ed Morrison |

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