Reforming workforce systems...Arizona gives it a try

Tuesday, January 14, 2003

Arizona is revamping its workforce development system. These reforms include the common sense steps that too many other states are ignoring. For example, Arizona is:

+ Providing memberships for all 16 work-force boards in the Arizona Association for Economic Development.

+ Upgrading the skills of those working on the front lines of work-force centers.

+ Following a master plan that's clear and concise (not like most workforce "mumbo jumbo" plans).

+ Consolidating workforce centers and repositioning them to provide skills beyond the entry level.

+ Developing a common brand: Arizona Workforce Connection.

The fact is that most state and local workforce systems have been remarkably resistent to change. They are still largely captive to the provider organizations and include very little employer guidance. They provide a confusing array of weak programs. They use measurements that are complex and confusing. And they still look at the world from the wrong end of the binoculars. That is, they think of target populations instead of competencies and skill sets. Read more about Arizona. Go

posted by Ed Morrison |

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