South Dakota takes an innovative approach to science education

Thursday, January 02, 2003

In an innovative workforce development initiative, South Dakota has put two science labs on the road. The labs provide access to new equipment for the state's K-12 schools. Each 53-foot trailer holds advanced science equipment for student experiments related to the environment, human body, biotechnology, scientific measurements, light, and energy.

The initial project cost: the project's cost amounted to less than $600,000 for the scientific equipment, two trailers and two semi-trucks. The South Dakota Future Fund will provide $400,000 in funding to operate the two labs until June 2005, allowing schools to use the equipment for free. South Dakota employers contribute to the Future Fund to promote workforce development in the state. Read more. Go

The South Dakota Future Fund also recently help finance plans for a technology incubator in Sioux Falls. Learn more.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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