Valuable data available...

Tuesday, January 28, 2003

SBA has released some valuable data sets for EDPros interested in economic analysis. They include state and metro level data on firm size and dynamic changes. This type of information is critical to defining the scope of a BR+E program.

The data is easily downloaded in Excel format. Go

Michael Porter's Cluster mapping project has also released data for the year 2000. For a subscription of $250 a year, EDPros can download data. You can reach the cluster mapping project on their home page. Go

Explore the free sections of the site first. You may not need much beyond that. If you want to explore in depth, get a subscription and some smart interns. Forget hiring a consultant to teach you about clusters. (I have yet to see a cluster report by a consultant -- including Porter -- that is worth the money. Disclosure: I have done one, but I didn't think much of it, so I don't do them anymore.)

posted by Ed Morrison |

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