Confronting the challenge of persistent poverty...

Friday, February 07, 2003

A new report outlines the challenges of economic development in the rural South. It advocates more focused and coordinated investments in education, health care, community development, and small business development.

To some, this approach sounds like social welfare. But it is not.

We are really facing a "pay me now, or pay me later" problem. Early intervention strategies -- Head Start, reductions in low birth weight babies, parenting education, reading programs -- boost our incomes (high school graduates earn $100,000+ more than high school drop-outs over their lifetime) and cut our costs (it costs $6,000 a year to send a child to school and $26,000+ to keep someone in prison).

As EDPros, we need to stop assuming this is someone else's problem. As the report notes, "Poverty is the absence of wealth, not the absence of character."

posted by Ed Morrison |

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