Bredesen outlines the map of economic development in Tennessee

Thursday, March 06, 2003

Governor Phil Bredesen of Tennessee this week addressed a technology conference in Nashville, and he pointed out the new directions he hopes to take Tennessee economic development. Among his messages: technology-led growth will form a key component of his strategy. He will focus on regional strategies ("It's such a big state, and one size definitely doesn't fit all" ), and he will emphasize education ("I'm a firm believer that all roads in economic development certainly go back to education.")

Bredesen, a physicist by training, made his fortune as an entrepreneur, launching HealthAmerica Corp. More recently he founded an educational software company called Bredex Corp., which McGraw-Hill Digital Learning bought last summer.

Another good quote: "I guess I believe that all successful businesses have something in common: a long-term vision and a short-term focus."

Bredesen will be an interesting governor to watch. In his inaugural address he proposed following a third way to govern:

"One way is the expansive view: More revenue, more responsibilities for government. The second is a more restricted view: Cut expenses, fewer services."

The third way focuses on the politics of the possible: "Let’s leave behind the predictable and stale debate between liberals and conservatives. Let’s take the resources that we have, and prioritize, and manage, and focus our energy on just doing things that count—on real results."

This third way is very much in line with what effective EDPros do.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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