Building rural entrepreneurship

Monday, March 10, 2003

Rural entrepreneurship and innovation represents another major trend EDPros should be watching. A good article from Oregon points out that rural innovation is alive and well. An important point: Rural innovation provides fundamentally different challenges and opportunities to EDPros than innovation in more dense metro economies.

The National Governors Association recently issued a report on best practices for state policies to promote rural economic development. This report emphasizes the importance of rural entrepreneurship, and it cites innovative practices in Kansas, Nebraska, Kentucky and Wisconsin.

The Missouri Center on Rural Entrepreneurship provides some good resources on rural entrepreneurship. Look over the News section.

Here's an overview from a presentation to the National Governors Association and a more recent report from the Center.

Another important approach to innovation relies heavily on community colleges. The Rural Community College Initiative focuses on building networks based on community colleges. Here's an article from last week on Big Spring, Texas. You might also check out the presentations of the Southern Rural Development Center.

This field is still young and largely unexplored, and it still needs both focus and practical tools for EDPros.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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