Kentucky's Office for the New Economy

Thursday, March 27, 2003

Kentucky is building its innovation infrastructure, and the Office for the New Economy is taking the lead. Learn what they are doing here.

Bill Brundage, commissioner of the Office, is trying to manage expectations.

"The new economy is really: science, which is the fuel, technology is the engine and then innovation is what drives it all...

"As we build R&D capacity and build up our commercialization capacity and then bring in that intellectual pool and work force, we build deal flow. It's a 10-year process. A lot will happen over that 10 years, but it's still a good decade before we can get to where we want to go...

"We can take some of the best practices from different states, but we're all different.

"I've laughed over the years at people saying they're creating another Silicon Valley or Research Triangle. That's foolish. There's only one of them. You're not going to recreate them..."

posted by Ed Morrison |

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