North Carolina: Education is Economic Development

Thursday, March 06, 2003

Amid tight budget times, North Carrolina is setting the right priorities. In a brainpower economy, education is economic development.

Here are some excerpts from Governor Easley's State of the State address. He articulates messages that every EDPro should know:

"...the most important ingredient to attracting new jobs is a prepared workforce. Those businesses that look here -- who want to invest hundreds of millions in North Carolina -- demand a skilled workforce.

"The North Carolina workforce of today, tomorrow, and the next decade will be highly skilled. They know the investments we are making, and they know they are paying off.

"Now, contrast that with the majority of other states that are cutting education -- 29 are cutting higher education and 23 are cutting K-12, while we are investing more in education.

"Our strategy is simple: In the future, the most skilled workforce in America will be found within the borders of this state."

The Governor cites the state's commiment to both pre-school and character education as evidence that North Carolina is expanding its commitment to education while other states are cutting back.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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