Details on Indiana's new ED strategy

Friday, April 25, 2003

Here's an article that summarizes the legislative deal that is emerging from the Indiana legislature on their new economic development strategy.

While the governor proposed a 10 year initiative, the legislature has funded it for only two.

Today in our History of Innovation...
It's the birthday of DNA. Our discovery of it, that is. In 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick published the structure of DNA in a one page article in the journal, Nature. Their work earned them a Nobel Prize in 1962.

This discovery lit a biotech explosion. In 1974, Monsanto estimated the cost of sequencing a gene would be $150 million. Today, it is less than $50. In 1991, all of the world's labs had identified only 2,000 genes. By 1995, researchers had published a partial map of our genetic code containing 35,000 genes. By 2000, the leading research laboratory had accumulated enough gene information to equal 6 Libraries of Congress on its basement computers.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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