Reshaping downtown in Leesburg, VA

Thursday, April 24, 2003

Leesburgh, VA is trying to reshape its downtown. I've been following this story for a number of months now and it makes interesting reading. The valuable aspect of this approach is the integration of urban design with business's not just pretty pictures.

In a nutshell, the strategies in the plan are: building a cultural arts center as a new anchor, launching a unified marketing program, establishing a “River Walk? starting a merchant’s guild, creating a business development network, and establishing a resource center.

Here are three articles that give you the background.

Article 1 from February; Article 2 from March;Article 3 from April.

Today in our History of Innovation...
George Eastman founded the Eastman Kodak Company in 1888. Fifty-five years earlier, in 1833, Jacob Ebert of Cadiz, Ohio, and George Dulty of Wheeling, West Virgina, patented the soda fountain.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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