Trying to find the right source of funds in Indiana

Wednesday, April 16, 2003

Indiana is still trying to come up with a long term investment p[lan for economic development. The governor wanted to use tobacco funds, but that idea is in the tank because of a court judgement against Philip Morris. Now, Republican legislators are proposing a similar investment plan -- $1 billlion over 10 years -- funded from gambling revenues. Learn more.

Meanwhile, in Pennsylvania, a Deomocratic legislator has a similar idea: use revenue from slots to help schools.

(Generally, gambling is a bad idea as an economic development strategy. In most cases, it creates more problems than it solves for a regional economy. It acts like a huge Social Securtity system in reverse. It sucks money out of the pockets of people who can't afford it and sends it to people who don't really need it. But if you head down this path, at least invest the resulting tax revenue in initiatives -- like education and economic development -- that will generate more income in the future.)

posted by Ed Morrison |

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