Who is online?

Saturday, April 26, 2003

Businesses use the Internet more than individuals do, and EDPros need to distinguish between the two groups.

Business users are important because they open the door to on-line retention surveys. Residents using the internet are good candidates for distance education.

Now, there's a new study on residential users. Disparities in Internet use between rural residents and others remain. In rural areas, less than half of Americans go online. Southerners are the least likely of any geographic group to be online with 45% still not using the Internet, closely followed by the Midwest with 44% offline. The Northeast has 41% of its population offline and the West continues to lead in Internet penetration only 37% of Westerners do not use the Internet.

More Midwesterners and Southerners believe they will never use the Internet. Close to 60% of offline inhabitants of both regions say they do not think they will ever go online. This contrasts with Northeast and West regions where about half of their offline residents don't think they will ever use the Internet.

Download the report from the Pew Internet Project.

Today in our history of innovation...

In 1961, Robert Noyce received a patent for the integrated circuit. The integrated circuit placed the previously separated transistors , resistors, capacitors and all the connecting wiring onto a single crystal (or 'chip') made of silicon. He went on to found Intel.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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