Arizona builds a technology roadmap

Friday, May 16, 2003

Arizona has been methodically putting together a technology roadmap for the state. Here's an overview.

The article mentions two very good reports. The Batelle report is a technology assessment. It examines the state's research base to find areas in which the state is particularly strong. The Morrison Institute report represents a policy presentation that educates readers to the growing importance of university-based research.

Download the Executive Summary of the Battelle report or the full Battelle report. Download the report by the Morrison Institute here.

Today in our history of innovation...

In 1866, Charles Elmer Hires invented root beer. In 1888, Emile Berliner gave the first demonstration of flat disc recording and reproduction before the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. In 1946, Jack Mullin demonstrated the world's first magnetic tape recorder.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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