Building education and research anchors in Charleston

Thursday, May 01, 2003

I'm attending a technology conference in Charleston, South Carolina that is reviewing the state's progress in building an innovation-based economy. And the progress is impressive.

Despite many fits and starts, South Carolina is moving ahead with some major policies to build a technology infrastructure. In addition to investments in life sciences, the state is consdiering new venture capital legislation and some significant reforms to build its research universities: Clemson, the University of South Carolina, and the Medical University of South Carolina.

I'm particularly impressed with the Marine Environmental Health Research Laboratory (MEHRL). It represents a new model for collaborative research among research universities. MEHRL is a shared facility in which researchers are "co-located". So, for example, when you walk into a lab, the researchers might be from Clemson, USC, or somewhere else.

These new models are important, because in the era of tight budgets, not every community can have comprehensive research universities. So, as an alternative, you have to be innovative to get the educational and research anchors you need.

Today in the history of innovation...

In 1895, an electric engine for passenger trains began regular service on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad in Maryland...In 1909, the first of five generating units started operation in the power plant at the Minidoka Dam on the Snake River in Idaho. This was the first hydroelectric power plant to be built by the U.S. government.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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