Fixing North Carolina

Saturday, May 31, 2003

There's no shortage of ideas on how to fix North Carolina's economic strategy.

Like other states, North Carolina is facing a cold, hard fact: the economic development formulas of the past don't work as well. The Governor is focused on promoting education, and he's got that right.

But critics are probably on to something when they say that the state needs to reform its tax system, restructure economic development, and boost university-based research and technology transfer. Read a

Today in our history of innovation...

Today is the birthday of Wheaties. In 1884, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg applied for a patent for "flaked cereal". He was trying to improve the vegetarian diet of his hospital patients. He was searching for a digestible bread-substitute by boiling wheat. Kellogg accidentally left a pot of boiled wheat to stand and become tempered. When he put the mixture through a rolling process, each grain of wheat emerged as a large, thin flake. Then he baked the flakes, and they became crisp and light, creating an easy to prepare breakfast when milk was added.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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