Shifting the strategic balance in Duluth, MN

Saturday, May 24, 2003

Economic development strategies fall into two broad categories: those that are publicly-led and privately supported and those that are privately-led and publicly supported. Each has its place, and each requires different leadership skills. A balanced economy requires both.

Places like Cleveland, OH and Charleston, SC excel at publicly-led, privately supported strategies, but they are not so good with privately-led initiatives.

Other places, like Research Triangle Park, Austin, and (more recently) Albany, NY excel at privately-led strategies. Some places, like Oklahoma City, have success with both approaches.

Other places can't do either.

Now Duluth, MN is trying to make the shift from publicly-led to privately-led strategy. In coming months, Charleston, SC will be making a similar shift it its focus.

Here's a
good article that explains the logic behind Duluth's shift.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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