Elements of a bargain

Friday, July 11, 2003

To compete in a brainpower economy, your community will need new education partnerships among business firms, K-12 and post-secondary education.

Here's a model program from Flathead Valley, Montana.

Through the Flathead Business and Education Council, business, K-12 and community college leaders struck a bargain...for mutual benefit.

In discussions within the Council, educators learned how to better design courses to prepare students for success in their working lives. These skills are not widely understood in our secondary or post-secondary schools. They include such skills as working in groups, analyzing problems, and communicating effectively.

The business community contributed by pinpointing travel and tourism, health care, construction, retail and financial services as economic growth areas for the college to target with training programs.

In addition, businesses provided opportunities for internships and job shadowing for on-the-job training experiences. Businesses also used the community college's resources to obtain technical training for their own employees.

You can follow the outlines of this approach in any community at both the secondary and post-secondary level.
Read more.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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