Albuquerque and the MEMS market

Saturday, August 23, 2003

MEMS stands for microelectromechanical systems. These are systems so small that 10,000 of them can fit in a space the diameter of a human hair. They combine microelectronics with tiny machines or sets of gears. Right now, MEMS are used largely as sensors, and they are widely used in automobile airbags and in inkjet printer heads.

Twenty-five MEMS companies call Albuquerque home, and the city hopes to become a major player in a market that could grow to $30 billion by next year.
Read more.

MEMS development is part of Albuquerque's Next Generation Economy Initiative, a public-private partnership to build the foundations for the region's technology-based economy. Learn more about Next Generation Economy, Inc. from their web site. Go.

Today in our history of innovation...

In 1977, Bryan Allen won the Kremer Prize for the first human-powered flight as he pedalled the Gossamer Condor for at least a mile at Schafter, California.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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