Building broadband in rural Minnesota

Friday, August 22, 2003

Minnesota's Center for Rural Policy and Development has released its latest tracking report on the deployment of broadband in rural Minnesota.

If you are an EDPro in a rural area, you can use this report as a guide to launching your own analysis. Download a copy of the 2003 Rural Minnesota Internet Study from this page.

Minnesota Wireless represents a shining success story in the state. The company has grown to 430 employees and 300,000 subscribers.

The company has successfully leveraged the state's Technology Catalyst Grant Program, which allocated $1 million to cover 25 percent of the cost of providing high-speed wireless Internet to nine rural communities. The state estimates that the program triggered an additional $6 million in private investment.

The expansion of broadband into rural areas has been critical in keeping some growing rural companies competitive. As the CEO of Miiesota Wireless notes, ""You can participate in the global economy, and you don't have to drive into the Twin Cities." Learn more.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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