Davenport builds its innovation infrastructure

Friday, August 15, 2003

Davenport, Iowa is building a new infrastructure to support innovation. The new effort will provide help in technology assessment, the trickiest part of bringing new technologies to market.

Learn more.

Here are excerpts from the article:

Based in a new two story building, the New Ventures Center will help launch start-up businesses that want to bring new products and technologies to market, especially biotechnology. The center also will provide space for new companies.

Clients of the Center will get help in determining the viability of their technologies. The Center also will provide help with market research, management planning, financial projections, and getting companies ready to make presentations to potential venture capital investors.

Today in our history of innovation...

In 1877, Thomas Edison coined the telephone greeting "Hello." He suggested the use of "Hello" to the president of the Telegraph Company to answer the phone instead of "Ahoy" suggested by Alexander Bell.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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