Funders to EDPros: Eliminate the overlaps and confusion

Monday, August 04, 2003

More and more EDPros are going to be trying to sort out the bewildering array of economic development organizations in their region. Funding is the main factor driving this trend.

On the public side, we can expect to see more newpapers raising questions about how public dollars are being investing in economic development. The main theme: "Too much confusion, competition and overlap."

Private funders, including foundations, are demanding measurable returns for their investment. Dollars are no longer "free". So they are also going to be less patient about overlaps.

To get ahead of the curve, EDPros need to start mapping their landscape and figuring out how to design more flexible and responsive systems. These systems will also need to shift focus from recruitment to retention.

Here's a good article from Arizona.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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