Georgia tries to pressure Chrysler for a commitment

Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Georgia officials are getting impatient.

In an August 13 letter, the state's top economic development official calls on Chrysler to commit to its truck plant in Savannah by the end of the year. Otherwise, (and this must have made Chrylser managers shake in their shoes) Georgia will shop the land to someone else.

The state has been investing heavily in the site. By the end of September, the state is expecting to have spent about $60 million to prepare the site for the company. The entire incentive package -- much of it on hold until DaimlerChrysler commits -- adds up to $322 million.

I'm not sure what is more foolish: making heavy investments before the commitment is in hand, trying to pressure Chrysler with a letter, or ignoring the fact that the letter could be easily leaked (or, in this case, made public through a public records request). Read more.

Meanwhile, the state is re-evaluating its incentive programs. Learn more.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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