Michigan's network of technical education centers

Saturday, August 23, 2003

In developing a strategy for upgrading workforce skills, we confront a harsh reality: 80% of our workforce for the year 2010 is already in the workforce.

How do we promote more aggressive investments by existing companies to imprive the skills of their workforce?

Michigan's approach has been to establish seventeen technical education centers across the state. Business Facilities magazine gave the Michigan Economic Development Corp. an award last year for using these technology centers to attract more workers to technical fields. Across the state, these centers have provided service to more than 1,000 employers and 25,000 trainees.

We hear a lot of talk about "lifetime learning", but few states have launched practical initiatives to build and support the facilities that both companies and unemployed workers need.

Learn more about Michigan's approach.

Visit the web site for the Michigan Technical Education Centers. Go.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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