Trade with China is emerging as a campaign issue

Saturday, August 30, 2003

It's one thing when low income workers in rural Kentucky lose their jobs sewing underwear. That's supposed to be progress and a natural outcome of free trade.

Now we see middle class jobs vanishing, and politicians are starting to sense a change. Free trade is getting harder to defend.

Public television broadcast a good show last night on the flight of middle class jobs overseas to countries like India.

Read an overview of the show.

Here's more evidence that trade with China is emerging as a campaign issue. After hearing the alarms rungs by small manufacturers, Senator Durbin of Illinois comments, "We have to take the gloves off with China."

Read more.

Don Iannone has posted two good articles on China on his weblog. Go.

They include an article by Nicholas Lardy, a noted China scholar with a balanced view about China's development. Download the article.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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