Web Watch: Plan for a New Pennsylvania

Saturday, August 02, 2003

Web sites are becoming an increaingly important way to market new economic initiatives. Earlier, I pointed to the web sote for Energize Indiana.
Visit Energize Indiana.

Pennsylvania has a similar site for Governor Rendell's strategy: Plan for a New Pennsylvania. The strategy reduces property taxes by increasing the state funding given to school districts. The approach reduces the inequities between wealthy and poor school districts.

The strong feature of this site is an online calculator that provides detailed, customized information on the impact of the governor's plan. You submit where you live and how much you earn, and the calculator explains in detail the impact of the program.

One glaring weakness: the site does not offer e-mail updates on the progress of the plan. (The Energize Indiana site has the same weakness.)

Visit the Plan for a New Pennsylvania site.

Here's an overview of the Plan for a New Pennsylvania, prepared by Pennsylvania State University. Go.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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