Bold Ideas, Lasting Impact

Saturday, September 13, 2003

No surprise, I'm excited about my new position as director of the Center for Regional Economic Issues at the Weatherhead School of Managment. We call it REI@Weatherhead for short.

Weatherhead has an exceptional faculty working on a wide range of areas that touch on economic development.

We are working with the Kauffman Foundation on innovation, the Sloan Foundation on clusters, and the National Science Foundation on education issues and workforce. And we have one of the leading faculties on entrepreneurship.

REI@Weatherhead is charged with the responsibility of translating these research insights into economic development powertools.

You'll learn more in the weeks ahead, as I ask your guidance in developing these tools. First, though, take a minute and catch some of the excitement building at Weatherhead.
Read more.

Today in our history of innovation...

In 1898, Reverend Hannibal Williston Goodwin was issued a U.S. patent for his invention of celluloid photographic film.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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