Finally, a sensible approach to the "brain drain"

Thursday, September 11, 2003

This issue of the brain drain is getting a lot of attention recently in places like Maine, Ohio, and New York.

Most of the popular press gets the story line wrong. Their approach: "The sky is falling."

Then there's the line of thinking that says the brain drain is caused by places not being "creative" enough.

Here's one of the more sensible articles I've read. The story has two basic points: There is a brain drain in New York State because there are not enough jobs. (Translation: braindrain is a symptom, not a cause.) The best way to make New York State "sticky" is to invest more aggressively in colleges and universities as "engines" of economic development.

Read more.

Today in our history of innovation...

In 1946, the first mobile long-distance car-to-car telephone conversation took place between Houston, Texas and St. Louis, Missouri.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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