More signals that 7E7 will land in Everett

Thursday, September 04, 2003

As regular readers know, I've looked at the Boeing 7E7 project as a way for the company to leverage concessions from the Washignton State legislature.

It worked. The legislature passed a $4 billion package.

Now, Governor Gary Locke believes that Washington State has made Boeing's short list for the 7E7. He makes his conclusion from the "very intense and very specific" talks his administration has been having with the company over the past several weeks.

Read more.

Here's an updated story from another paper. Go.

Meanwhile, EDPros in other states are saying little. Go.

Today in our history of innovation...

In 1882, the Edison Electric Illuminating Company in New York City became the first electric central station to supply light and power. It operated one generator which produced power for 800 electric light bulbs.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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