North Carolina legislation boosts "mini-hubs"

Saturday, September 27, 2003

North Carolina has enacted legislation to encourage rural counties to coordinate their efforts to develop regional parks or "mini-hubs".

The idea behind the legislation is that cooperative regional parks will work best for smaller, more rural counties that may not have the resources to put together a large site to attract companies to the region. Mini-hubs are not typical industrial parks. They offer enhanced services to support a cluster.

The key to making this approach work is figuring out equitable formulas for splitting costs and revenues.
Learn more.

Research Triangle Park is pioneering the mini-hub approach to spread development into surrounding rural counties. The Kerr-Tar Hub is the first mini-hub out of the blocks.

It is an outgrowth of a study conducted by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's Office of Economic Development for the Research Triangle Regional Partnership. The study determined the feasibility of creating a series of "mini-hubs" to stimulate investment in rural areas of the 13-county Research Triangle Region.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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