The pressures to relocate corporate headquarters

Thursday, September 18, 2003

Cincinnati was able to keep Kroger from moving out of downtown, and that triggered a good article exploring why corporations move their headquarters. One analyst puts the problem this way: "I think a lot of times companies try to be as loyal as they can, but there are just increased pressures to perform globally."

Read more.

The highly publicized move of Boeing to Chicago put this trend on the radar screen. In recent days, Borg Warner has announced that it will move from Chicago to Detroit to be closer to suppliers. Read more.

At the same time, these pressures have ignited a little war beween Philadelphia and Camden, NJ over corporate offices. That war was triggered this summer when Cigna, which employs 1,500 people at its downtown Philadelphia headquarters, said it would consider a move to New Jersey. Learn more.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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