The Boeing soap opera continues...

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

This commentator in San Antonio has it about right. Ther Boeing 7E7 deal is turning into a soap opera.

Boeing officials are complaining about the state's business climate. Earlier this month, when asked about the state's business climate, Boeing's CEO of Boeing Commercial Airplanes commented, "I think we suck".

That prompted a union official to launch a blast e-mail with the subject line: "Washington--We don't suck".

Meanwhile, state officials, who led the charge on lining up a $4 billion package for Boeing, were understandably miffed.

Then comes Boeing's request for $300 million to buy specially outfitted 747's to fly parts around. The reason: Boeing doesn't want to carry the planes on its books.

Read more about the soap opera as seen from Texas. Go.

Or, read more about the business climate debate in Washington. Go.

Or, get a review of the bidding. Go.

Today in our history of innovation,,,

In 1938, Chester F. Carlson demonstrated xerography. Xerox is a term coming from "xerography" which means dry writing.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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