Washington State slowing down in tech race

Saturday, October 11, 2003

Washington State's Technology Alliance produced a report last may that benchmarked the state against other competitor states, such as Massachusetts, California, Arizona and Michigan.

The conclusion: Washington is falling behind in the key elements of a technology-based economy. These components include educational performance, investments in research and strong entrepreneurial networks.

The Alliance is continuing to spread the word that the state should take these issues seriously. They delivered the message most recently this week to the second annual Western Washington Summit of Technology and Economic Development Entrepreneurship.
Read more.

You can download the benchmarking report from this page. Go.

Today in our history of innovation...

In 1887, Dorr Eugene Felt of Chicago received a patent for the adding machine. His "Comptometer" was the first practical key-driven calculator with sufficient speed and reliablility to be useful in business.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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