Cleveland area mayors unite on plan

Friday, February 27, 2004

Mayors in Cuyahoga County want to create a common economic development authority that would invest in job growth.

The Cuyahoga County Mayors and City Managers Association unanimously approved the concept Thursday as a regional way to boost the Cleveland area's economy.

The efforts of the economic development authority would most likely focus on Cleveland and inner-ring suburbs. As one inner ring mayor pointed out: "We know well that if the core city rots, then we all suffer".

The mayors would also collaborate on business growth by signing "no poaching" pacts, under which cities agree not to lure businesses from each other. Read more.

The Cleveland area has been spreading out -- consuming land -- without growing. The consequence: the area is building too much infrastructure. The regional authority would be one tool that the leaders could use to slow the sprawl.

posted by Ed Morrison |

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